Friday 11 November 2011

Progress Report

- Today we filmed the idea of showing two side's to 'Alice's' character. We decided to contrast between the natural waking up in the morning view, and the shot below which shows 'Alice' visiting 'Wonderland' (Intoxicated). We decided to put this shot with me walking through the house and the normal door, showing how the audience can portray 'Alice' as two different characters, showing how life is just an ongoing party (Which relates to the teenage audience). We added people in the background of the shot, but no one talks or acknowledges her, which is another reason she again feels alone and feels she has to turn to drug's. The idea of this scene was to create a typical convention of a Rap/Pop music video, portraying this lively, party scene atmosphere.

The shot above connects well with the shot we filmed last week. We decided the controversial idea showing the two personality's worked really well. We decided that we needed a more natural shot of Alice, just simply walking through the door. I think this gains alot of mystery as Alice could be walking into anywhere and you wouldn't know. We agreed that if we filmed Alice as if she is leaving the room and coming back inside would be an interesting conclusion to the narrative, having Alice walking simply, either just looking straight towards the camera of too bed, obviously in a mental/stable mind, leaving behind the worries and troubles and of course her alter ego of Alice outside. Relating again back to the lyrics before of 'taking it too far' and leaving Wonderland behind, to agree with the lyrics that Roger is singing, and show the connection.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Progress Report

Wednesday 9th November - Camden Market/Station

- Today we went up to Camden Market in London, we filmed a selection of footage throughout the markets, in the shops and by the train station. I was dressed in the Alice in Wonderland costume, and when I was walking round got a great deal of weird looks and comments, which was good as we kept the camera rolling for most the time we was in Camden, so we could get naturalistic shots of everyone's reaction. We decided it would be good if i looked at everyone like they were weird when they was watching me as it gave the effect of my insanity. We also placed the camera still in front of me, and then filmed at the train station of me just standing there staring still, whilst everyone that got of the train walked past me, again staring, whilst I just stand and stare right into the camera.

-We filmed a shot of me standing in the middle of the station, just stood completely still. It was really good as we got people's natural reactions to me just simply standing dressed in an Alice in Wonderland costume. We thought it was a really nice idea as people's expressions as they passed me varried, and worked very well. We had an idea that we could speed everybody up. and still have me just completely still staring at the camera. It showed a sense of Alice's insanity, and how the world outside looked from her point of view. Again this shot related well back to our idea of sense of mystery (Wonderland) as the audience got very involved and connected, wondering what would happen after. When increasing the speed of the shot, we felt that it showed her manic lifestyle and also fitted well as the beat in the song increased.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Production Update

I screenshotted a few various images from our video. This shot was taken from me lying in the rabbit hole. I am holding a cigarette to represent Alice's bad side and her contrasting to the Alice that is portrayed in all the books and films, being very delicate. ''Alice is portrayed as a quaintly logical girl, sometimes even pedantic. It tells of a girl named alice who falls down a rabbit whole into her fantasy world (Wonderland) populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. this tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults and children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre.''
We played of the idea of 'nonsense' and 'peculiar' and used different ideas to how we could show this. We was originally going to use the idea of different animals, figures and random objects coming alive, but we then decided against this as the animation element was too hard. We did try to use different forms of animation like stock motion and adding in further animation, but we just found that it didn't fit well and didn't really work as it would have just taken too long to have produced, for it to look reasonably good.

This is just a shot of Roger that we have used, just representing the studio that we placed him in for the video. We used this as it would make his role look subtle, but still stand out. We put him in black and white to represent his contained life since he has been going out with 'Alice' as he cannot deal with her behaviour and actions. We focus a lot of our ideas and shots in the video and obviously our main idea of basing it around 'Alice in Wonderland' from a line that is in our chosen song 'Did we take it to far, take it to far, did we chase the rabbit into Wonderland?' this is saying did they take they relationship to far as he has had enough of it all, and using it as a future line and he is basically asking himself will he follow his girlfriend into wonderland and be pressured into her intoxicated life of drug abuse.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Progress Report

Tuesday 1st November

We had a week off last week so we decided too film a party style scene, which consists of me (Alice) and Roger (The rabbit). We wanted too show a scene which was full of dancing and music, everyone dressed in ordinary clothes, but Alice contrasting them wearing her outfit, but undone, which challenges our idea of her urban side, being Alice when she is in her high of life. We wanted to create a scene where Alice was stood in the middle on the table or a higher platform and everyone dancing around her. We thought of a few ways to edit this, maybe have Alice in colour and everyone else black and white, or everyone in slow motion and her in a faster speed showing her going out of control and crazy. We also wanted to film me and Roger together, showing the good times of our 'relationship' and the happiness of us together. In today's lesson we uploaded and looked through all of our footage. We cut some bits together and added them to our video, after watching it a few times some stuff didn't work as well, but the stuff we eventually added we was happy with. We also uploaded some footage that we done 2 weeks ago, which was of someone flicking through playing cards and doing a selection of hand tricks with them. We thought these would work well as extra little shots in our video, filling up small gaps and also adding the effect of magical cards to the video.