Music videos are a big part of today’s media life. Every video’s form depends on the music genre it is for. And considering there are many different genre categories, this was a big part of the music video creation process. Overall music videos tend to use a lot of cuts, discarding a good 60 % of the video that you had to start with, which we found was a lot harder then we had thought as the video contained many quick shots that were just seconds long. The average music video consists of being around three and four minutes long. When we was creating our video we watched a variety of different genre’s of videos and found that the video also carries some relation, if not a lot of relation to the songs lyric’s, which relates back to the Andrew Goodwin theory where there is a strong relationship between the lyrics and the visuals.

This was a very strong point in our video, using an engaing storyline to keep the audience intrigued. We focused a lot on the Goodwin theory and it was a big input in the video, precisely looking at the idea of 'Did we take it to far?' and 'Did we chase the rabbit into wonderland?' Two rhetorical questions that were narrowly answered in our video. We decided that we liked the idea as it gives the video a storyline and something that follows through out the video. Once we had our basic video and idea, and chosen song (Example – Stay Awake) we decided that one of the lines within the song is ‘did we chase the rabbit into wonderland’ we decided we were going to base our idea around this Alice in Wonderland theme.
The genre of our video is RnB/dubstep. The conventions include; artist performance (we choose not to have a band, as it helped us with our idea of centring it around just a lead singer, just like the artist of the real video. We also included fast cuts, various background lighting; locations in the studio for our lead singer roles, and the forest and Camden Market and train station for Alice. Glitter and cards were our main Mise-en-scene shots as they related to the ideal theme of ‘Alice in Wonderland’.

I learnt that one of the conventions of a real music video consisted of signifier’s to represent the type of genre the music video is by costume choice which we included in our music video. We focused on this convention because we looked at the forms and conventions of a real media product and recognised that this was a major part in letting our target audience decode this. Another thing that I learnt from looking at real media products was the locations that were chosen. For our lead role parts we decided to place our singing (Roger) in a studio, connecting to the love of music that is shown through a recording studio. We have used this media convention to signify not only what target audience we are aiming at but to portray an idea our chosen theme. Where our chosen target audience was from 16+, it juxtaposed the theme idea of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ as that is a children’s book that is loved by all ages. We also felt that our audience could also contain young adults, as they could relate to this convention because they can reminisce and look back as fairytales are a big part of people’s lives when growing up. We choose to portray Alice as ‘Bad Alice’ as an intoxicated teenager who feels ‘wonderland’ is her state of mind when intoxicated with illegal substances. We portrayed the idea of drugs and imagination as it can be shot wherever the desired place, as long as it contained correct framing that had been shot properly. Throughout the creation of this video I have learnt that real music genre conventions are the build up of creating a target audience. Thee music genre conventions we have added into our music video are focusing on having one role, an attractive black male, which then related well with our chosen genre of hip-hop and rap/ R&B.
I believe our choices of chosen location's being = forest, rabbit hole, party scene, woods, house and the studio for Roger, and the chosen costume = Alice's dress being the main focus, showing an automatic connection with the Character. This also relates back to the intertextual reference to Alice. All of the mise-en-scene together really made the audience able to decode the signifies to understand the set target audience and age group. This enabled us to really work with the mise-en-scene of the video, relating all our shots to the chosen genre and decode the signifiers to understand the age group.I felt that our edit's matched the song really well, fitting and syncing in especially at the points that were sung by Roger. Our idea of montage throughout meant that we had lots of small snippet shots, this related back to the theory of time and motif which is means the reacurrance throughout. This connects with the whole idea of the rabbit and the time element, and how he always has a stop watch, which is seconds long, so we choose to add in second's long. The quick time element also shows Alice's insanity and the rush and confusion in her brain.

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