Friday 16 December 2011

Evaluation Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We started of with asking the group about their interests and what subjects they studied, just to show extra backing information which could portray the age group and target audience. The positive feedback we received from the focus group included a lot of comments about how it worked really well as a professional and realistic video. We also found through our feedback that the changing of colours and our use of filters worked well and made our music video look professional as well as keeping the attentions throughout the shots and the narrative of Roger narrating and singing, and the storyline was kept and not lost, which we were worried about because our video contained lots of short clips and it's montage set up. Someone also quoted "A dream world" was an interesting interpretation that we had from our focus group, one member of the group saw the coloured sequences to be an almost 'dream like state' - relating to this intoxicated world Alice loves in.
We as a group found that the reason for this was the locations we had chosen, looking at our chosen target audience starting and focusing at the teenage age group, so the urban edge, ‘bad Alice’ we created portrayed this really well, showing a large connection with the audience. We simply added a leather jacket, dark eye shadow and piercing’s, which again helped to create this ‘bad Alice’. We wanted to create a party scene to also reflect over this teenage audience connection, but we found that when we had filmed this, the framings looked really unprofessional, even though the idea was to film it very scruffy and as if it was overlooking the wild party style Alice. We got rid of the idea due to the bad framing and also got feedback on the shots from the party scene, and the audience thoroughly agreed it was a much better idea as it then of the shot that looked professional. Our music video received a great deal of positive feedback, through out focus group and research work, which we were extremely happy with.
Our focus group managed to show us that our age group thought that the music video was focused towards them as our target audience, which was our main aim, that’s why we chose a group of teenagers to watch it first. We also found that no other aspects that would make our music video suitable for both a younger and an older group of audiences, and we had chosen the suitable age. I think we connected very well with the audience through our chosen shots and editing. We choose to portray as an intoxicated teenager, showing the connection with the teenage drug and alcohol use. We wanted to show drug use but not using what looked liked drugs, but we didn’t want to increase drug use and look like we were supporting it, so we thought of relevant ideas that connected to the wonderland theme and choose to use glitter instead.

You see Alice using playing cards, again connecting to the idea of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ showing the Alice then picking up the card, as you think Alice was going to sniff the glitter you see her blow it, again contrasting the audiences views and showing mystery as it wasn’t expected. We were pleased to see that our focus group understood the extended metaphor of our music video and how we included the theme of drugs but not to the extent where drugs are actually on display, they are only signified in our music video. The feedback from the focus group about improving our video was about more of a story line to the video and to have maybe a different scene or location added to the video. This would had given us a more variety of clips to edit and make the video look more visually interesting and appealing to the viewer, which was also mentioned in other feedback.
It is nice to see that our focus group was fully captivated by our music video, and that the audience understood conventions and aspects that we included. We were also really glad that the audience felt very 'free.' Watching the video and felt able to draw their own thoughts and escape into the world that Alice was in and most importantly enjoy the music video throughout.
These comments made us feel very positive about our video, we were able to give us tips and guidelines for if in future we happened to create another music video, where we would involve more locations and a more scenes that expand the story to a wider extent.

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