Tuesday 20 September 2011

Locations List

- We want too use a variety of locations too keep the audience indulged and not too loose interest.
- We look too set it in a white house which can be used as the entrance too wonderland. The house being white will make all of the bright colours stand out. It will embrace the brightness and make a good colour contrast.
- We like the idea of the edited animation being added too the video, too give it the more imaginitive and mysterious look. E.g filming a standard road sign and having it crossed out with wonderland painted in red paint, that has been spilt all next too the road, happening too cover roses.
-We have to be careful and think logically about the weather, keeping in mind how unpredictable it is, and that it could rain at any point.
-The days that it is hot, we must use this wisely as at this time of year there will not be many, if any, nice days at all.
-If it is to be bad weather we are going to have to make sure we have alternative places to film. For the day's we have planned to film outside, instead of wasting the time, we could postpone filming that and film the stuff we would have planned to film inside on a later date, so no time is lost or wasted.

-Our main set locations are:
The forest, the garden, near a road sign, in the cafe, sitting in flowers/running through the lavender fields and my house.

Monday 19 September 2011

Analysis Of A Music Video

Strawberry Swing - Coldplay

There is a small amount of connection between the lyrics and visuals and that’s the amount it talks about the sky, and in the video he is travelling through the sky, apart from that there is no connection, much like Coldplay’s other video’s, where even the song titles are completely irrelevant.
There are no intertextual references or voyeuristic treatment of the female body. The camera angles are very different too a normal music video, as infact the camera has been placed on a tripod above the floor and doesn’t move throughout the video. This gains a lot of focus too all the amazing amount of detail that engages you into it. Where the main singer of Coldplay, Chris Martin, is such a famous, iconic figure, he doesn’t need a camera focusing on him constantly throughout the video, so the demands of the record label influencing the video aren’t high as he already gains a lot of fame. This is a major part of the video as it has to look like a dream style world that has been created by the movement of pictures. I don’t know if the pictures are animation or have been individually drawn and all scanned in bit by bit to give more of an effect to the video, but either way the detail is very imaginative and creative. The video has been created on a black board style flooring, with a wide variety of stories being told throughout, through a collection of moving drawings and pictures, drawn by pastels. At the end there is a explosion of colour as Chris Martin gets up of the floor and walks off, shakes a few people’s hands and leaves the set, as if what he has done was so easy, just simply lie on the floor whilst
the editing takes control.
The sound is very relaxed and mellow, which relates to the video’s soft and subtle colouring, and slow drawings, relating to the calmness of the song. We would really like too use a chalk style animation in our music video, too relate too the whole 'Alice In Wonderland' style magical, mysterious theme.

Analysis Of A Music Video

Friendly Fires - Kiss Of Life

The very first shot that you see is land/beach scene with a group of people in the background, out of focus, with instruments. In the focus you can see a plant slowly blowing, as the focus changes into the group of people the song starts. You then see a extreme close up of a man's face singing, he has a white background behind him, which makes him stand out more. Throughout the video you can see switching between this beach style scene and his face singing. I chose too analyse this video as it's much like our chosen video (Example Stay Awake) which consists of 'Example' singing in a white studio, telling a story throughout. We really liked this idea so tried too find video's with a similar effect too give us ideas and inspiration. More so throughout the video you see the main singer of 'Friendly Fires' join in the beach scene, dancing and having fun. It's a very simple, yet effective video, with not much going on in the background just a group playing instruments. This helps too make him stand out, and give a clear definition that he is the lead singer. The mise en scene doesn't tell us much in the video, and the story that is portrayed isn't relevent too the song at all. This adds mystery too the video, which we want too use in our music video, making the viewers interested too watch it and think about the story behind it. All of the members in the group playing instruments, are in very beachy, casual clothing - very bright coloured and flowy, whilst he is in black, again making him stand out over them. They are also wearing very authentic, cultural masks, that bring maybe their traditional culture too the song. They talk thoroughly about the 'Sun, sea and sand' throughout, which implis the use of the beach as the setting. When the song starts too slow down, and it's the instrumental you see a long shot of a sunset, which is a contrast too the video as it has been sunny right up too here, you then see a close up of a mask with the person's eyes open, and then the silouette character of the lead singer dancing. Te lyrics are 'Could you wave goodbye too sun, the sea the stars the wave the tide, the wails inside that life has died, but all you need is a kiss of life' This is sung after the sunset, and then goes back too life as if you have the kiss off life there is always light in your life. All of the editing in the video is very simple, and there is no animation or added effects, you just see the establishing shot at the start of the beach, then a jump cut too the extreme close up of the lead singer's face, and then back too the beach scene where the lead singer is.

Friday 16 September 2011

Shooting Schedule

- We are planning too begin our filming on Wednesday 21st September. We are starting the filming at my house. We will film the beginning scene as me waking up as Alice and then again waking up as a normal person. We have decided that lots of shots of me will be filmed twice, so then we can view the perspective from Alice, and then again from her as a normal person not in wonderland.
-We will then go on too film throughout the week, looking at the little shots mainly and spending time mostly on them. Even though they are the most simple shots they can sometimes need the most work and concentration.
-We plan too film everything with in the next month as we need the weather conditions too still be sunny-ish. This enables us too get natural daylight which helps too make the video more realistic, before the rainy and snowy seasons begin.
-On the 3rd October, We will go on to filming Alice in the forest and follow her around, filming her in a hole in the ground which represents the 'rabbit hole'.
-On the 5th October, we will go on to practice filming and then filming Roger, singing the song. We are going to film him singing the whole of the song, and then when it comes to editing it we will have lots of him singing, incase we had random spots with nothing to put in, we can just add Roger singing. We also plan to film a selection of shots of Roger, so that we had a variety when it come to editing. We plan to involve simple shots.
-On the 7th October, we plan to go onto the filming of different peoples heads. This is our plan for the 'messed up generation' which will involve us filming different people in a head shot singing, we will then take different facial features from each person and add them all together in a selection and bundle of overlapped shots. We plan to edit animation into this too.
-On the 10th October, we are planning to start our animation and drawing. We have drawn some practice designs - which will be uploaded later.
-On the 14th October, we are going to go back to the forest where we filmed Alice, and film more shots of her entering wonderland and dancing.
-On the 17th October, we have decided that we are going to film shots of me and Roger together and him entering my house, full of white, with lots of animation colour shooting out of the walls, pictures and plants (e.g).
-On the 20th October, we plan to film a selection of shots of me and Roger together, just as our normal selves.

List Of Props

For our props ideas we want too use a variety of stuff that signify the 'Alice in Wonderland' theme. We watched the film twice as a group and noted things that we thought would look good throughout. Where the idea of our video is too mix Wonderland and reality, through the small and simple animation (The recurring white rabbit) we thought that little signs would be better, e.g a road sign that would normally say 'The Crescent' but instead it has changed and it says 'Wonderland' and a man painting a wall red and the paint happens too spill over, onto some white roses. They are just a few example's that we will use.

List Of Props
- Playing Cards
- Keys
- Roses
- Make-up
- Face paint
- Tea Set
- Costumes - Alice in Wonderland

List of Equipment

We are looking too use all the basic camera equipment, but may include the 'dolly' which consists of the camera being mounted to the dolly and the camera operator and focus puller or camera assistant, usually ride on the dolly to operate the camera. We wouldn't be able too get access to a professional one, but will use another, similar object of something that moves too use instead.

- 'Dolly'
- Video Camera
- Camera
- Tripod
- Costumes
- Female lead (Alice figure/character)
- Male role to play our singer
- Group of teenagers

Casting List

For our casting list, we are aiming too use a small selection of characters. We hoped that this would then make a focus on the 'singer' in our video, keeping his shots subtle, so then it gives him more attention. Although there will be some points throughout the video where he will be the main focus, we hope too use 'Alice in Wonderland' as our alternative focus too, as the whole story of our video of a couple that are in love but she is from another world (Similar too Walt Disney's 'Little Mermaid')

Our group of 4: Filming/Editing/Set/Costume:
- James Fransham
- Lucy Hyner
- Sam Dempster
- Sabrina Porter

Featuring in Video:
- Lead Male - Roger Dos Santos
- Lead Female (Alice) - Lucy Hyner/Amber Buckle
- Group of Teenagers: Louise Ashena, Lauren Williams, Leigh O'Leary, Jazmine Sines, Michael Kealy, Chidi Abraham, Daniella Murdoch, Charlie Holt, Tommy Bowdery, Sam Goodman, Sam Ibraham, Emma Howard, Chloe Bradshaw, Katie Thompson, Charlie Allison, Scott Middleton, Scott Robe, Kamilla Mcdonald, Kieran Wright.

Conventions Of A Music Video

Through our music video we have too choose the right conventions for the target audience, the conventions we will be following are:

- Child Friendly
- Up-beat and enjoyable
- Colourful
- Attention to the artist
- The artist being involved in a narrative story
- Strong ideas of escapism

Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Andrew Goodwin created a theory, saying how music videos are often thought about and created by the link between the visuals and the song. Relationships are built between these in the video, and the close-ups of the artists gives them the representation and publicity they require. Voyeurism is used to increase the video’s attractiveness and making it good too watch, particularly to males (like the Laura Mulvey theory). Most of these features are used in many music videos, it just depends on the genre of the song and the aim of the record company/artist. For our Music Video I have looked at Andrew Goodwin’s theory and how we can portray it in our video. We looked at many lines of our chosen song (Stay Awake - Example) and one being 'Do we chase the rabbit into wonderland?' We can signify with little animated rabbits throughout when ever this line is sung, along with other animated small objects, that relate too Alice in Wonderland, such as keys, cups and playing cards.

Andrew Goodwin has identified a number of key features in music videos. They are:

- A relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the lyrics.
- Genre-related style and iconography present.
- Multiple close-ups of the main artist or vocalist.
- Voyeurism often plays a major part, especially in relation to females.
- Intertextual references to other media texts may be present.

When I was analyzing Coldplay's videos, I saw that their they are completely the opposite to Andrew Goodwin's theory. All of Coldplay's song titles are most of the time completely irrelevant to the song and the lyrics, which is interesting and something they are known for. Contrasting to this, Cheryl Cole's video 'The Flood' shows the relationships between the lyrics and visuals very well. The whole idea of the flowing water, there's lots of waves crashing onto the rocks that represent the idea of love crashing onto the rocks. It portrays a lot of emotion, as water is very calming, and then it contrasts with the fast and choppy waves, crashing around, showing the other 'breaking side of love.'

Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze Theory

In 1973 Laura Mulvey created The 'Male Gaze Theory' It occurs when the audience are put into the perspective of a heterosexual man, they would then watch the woman simply walking in a music video, but it would be captured in a sexual way that pleases the male. Many people believe that it is wrong that the woman is portrayed in this way, and that it is wrong for the feminine rights, but then others believes it makes them feel more sexy and womanly in themselves.

What are some of the issues involved in discussing "the gaze"?

the objectification of women-- seen as objects
the commonalaity of female nudity -- display implies subordination
internalization of the gaze, changes women's perceptions of themselves and makes them think of themselves as objects
shift to objectification as a source of pleasure (for both the looker and the looked-at)
men as the dominant group have been the looker (the subjects; women the objects)
ties back to another aspect of teh feminist critique of Freud-- the degree to which Freudian theory iis based on visual dynamics


Mr Brightside - The Killers is a video that shows huge connection and implications of the 'Gaze Theory' they show 'sexual precaustions' and flirtatious movement, to gain the men's attention. Throughout the video the woman are all over the men, whilst they just sit there willingly. This relates to the 'objectification of women' which shows them being 'used' as such, portraying their vunerability.

You see the men's reaction is very versatile, they suddenly adapt to the prominent behaviour of the woman, but still act very relaxed. The womans bulshy behaviour makes them feel dominant, and important. At the same time they are still very stunned by the behaviour of the woman in the video, all just sitting there 'gazing' at one point, as if they are the auidence of a show.

Analysis of Digipak's

Bring Me The Horizon - Suicide Season

For my Digipak analysis I have chosen two completely different Album Cover's, too show the contrast and difference that two different genre styles and music can have. When you look at this album cover by 'Heavy Metal, Metalcore' band you can see straight away the use of what looks like intestines/insides, covered in blood. This automatically creates a link too the style of music being very 'deep' and heavy. The contrast of the colour with the black and white, really make the red blood stand out, making it the important factor in the picture, completely overwriting the woman figure in the image. The name of the band and the name of the album, has been written in a bold style writing, which is a transparent style, this again makes the blood stand out more. The point of the woman holding the blood, is because many of 'Bring Me The Horizon's' songs are very related too blood, and death. The womanly figure looks very gormless and fixated, with her eyes wide open looking straight at you, it actually makes you feel like she is staring at you, which is another way of them too yield the buyers into buying the album as the focus really stands out. She is dressed in black which is for the contrast of the blood, and showing her as a simple figure.

Bombay Bicycle Club - Flaws

Front Cover

Back Cover

When looking at this digipak, you can see straight away the faded, subtle, vintage colour scheme. It is very neutral with the skin toned, pastel coloured pinks and blues. The layout design is very simplistic, with the painted style background with the brush strokes quite obviously painted on. The font of the text is again minimalistic, just a simple san serif type and it is only ever in either black or white, which helps it stand out. It's a type writer style writing, that's very unique and again obtains a vintage effect. The minimalistic style of the cover, font and colour scheme, relates too their folk style of music, this again could be how the band want to be perceived, simple, basic and meaningful. The mise-en-scene shown is once again very simple, there is not much going on, but the main focus of the images on the front and inside. Both of the shown images are paintings of humans, the front cover's main image, is simply of a girl looking down. She doesn't look particularly grabbing or smiling, but less dull and bleak. This portrays the mood and vibe of the c.d, if an image of a lady happy and smiling was the album cover, it would give the wrong impression of the c.d. The image shown inside is of somebody kneeling, with the focus on their feet. This picture has alot of mystery as you don't know the story behind it. I think that both paintings suggest the relaxed, down to earth nature of the music. The back and inside contain all the designated information needed, such as barcode and record company logo.

Monday 12 September 2011

Music Industry

The music industry helps too promote the music video, through the business side, and the popularity of the star. To make a music video you have too be very well prepared and organized, from costumes, props, sound check and all the equipment needed. You have too make sure that the video is set in a variety of locations to obtain the viewers interest, preventing boredom. The syncing of the star and the music is one of the most important factors of the music video, they have too make sure that the star is actually singing the words, instead of miming them, too make it look believable. When they are recording the music video, it is played through a special PA speaker, while the band play along live with their instruments, which really helps the syncing of the sing. More so the record label is also one of the most important parts of promoting the music video as they help with all the working with other singers, and the album deals. As music video’s popularity is increasing and becoming more and more unique, the competition and the value of the videos are becoming so high. Therefore they are becoming increasingly popular, being aired on the television, youtube, itunes and other music websites. Overall the music video is a highly essential part of the promotion of the single, portraying the artist as a star, gaining lots or fame.

Target Audience

The target audience for our video would focus on the younger generation. Considering there are so many stereotypes in today's society, we would like to focus on them and how they are all different. We would like too look at the sort of audience that 'Where is the love?' by Black eyed peas did, a mix of all ages and generations and help bringing them together, but we would look at the more teenage audience as that is where the main mix of steretype's is, as everyone forms their own friendship groups, based on the outer stereotyping. When looking at Maslow's hierachy of needs, the video would be ranked at the third tier, friendship, family and sexual intimacy. Friendship and family being the main thing that brings society together, so it's another way that connects people of all different races and cultures. The video looks at both gender's equally, as it should be looked at anyway, and all ages being treated fairly. It would also look at all classes A-E in the social grouping category, so not on more well of people as they have more money, and not on the less fortunate people in the society, as they have less money. Where our video, (Stay Awake by Example) involves him rapping, this automatically brings the teenage audience into it, also where Example is a chart topper for many of his songs, played consistently on the radio, lots of ages will listen too him.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Intertextuality in music video's

Intertextuality is when someone uses media that has already been used too promote/advertise another form of media. It is shown in music video's quite a lot, just reusing idea's that have been previously shown in video's. One example of this is Madonna's music video 'Material Girl' and Mary Lambert drawing on 'Diamonds are a girls best friend' and 2Pac and Dr Dre's 'California Love' Hype William's drawing on 'Mad Max' they are just a few examples of cinematic references which dominate music video's. The intertextual image isnt of Marlyn Monroe, it is a similar blonde that uses her looks and fame too get what she wants, shown by all the men surrounding her throughout the video, also playing of the men. Visual reference in music video's comes from a range of sources, but the main 3 being Art Photography, Cinema and Fashion, which can be taken from the music video. In our video our main influence's are other video's about teh generation's of people. Our chosen song (Stay Awake - By Example) Talks about a 'messed up generation', so we want to look at the different races of people and how they come together as part of it. In the Video 'Where is the love?' by The Black Eyed Peas, it talks about where is the love in society. There is a key '?' shown throughout the video, e.g as a tatoo, road signs, on a van and in land. You also see people from all races singing the song, it is also very inspirational to listen too and watch. We hope to use some of these ideas in our video.

Analysis of similar media products - (3 music video's)

We are focusing on the idea of an imaginary world, a mix of the surreal world combining with our everyday lives. We watched a variety of music video’s for a sense of imagination and ideas as we were very clueless of where to start, and what idea we should use. We was going too look into creating a emotional music video, but they are a lot more popular and a large majority of the class was doing them, so we thought of a different idea. We was thinking a comedy, but the fact of making people laugh, and being funny isn’t easy, and if your not good at it then it wouldn’t have worked. We looked at Coldplay’s video’s mainly, focusing on their imaginative and vivid ideas, and how they can have so much going on but it doesn’t take the focus of the lyrics – which we hoped to include in our video’s.