Tuesday 20 September 2011

Locations List

- We want too use a variety of locations too keep the audience indulged and not too loose interest.
- We look too set it in a white house which can be used as the entrance too wonderland. The house being white will make all of the bright colours stand out. It will embrace the brightness and make a good colour contrast.
- We like the idea of the edited animation being added too the video, too give it the more imaginitive and mysterious look. E.g filming a standard road sign and having it crossed out with wonderland painted in red paint, that has been spilt all next too the road, happening too cover roses.
-We have to be careful and think logically about the weather, keeping in mind how unpredictable it is, and that it could rain at any point.
-The days that it is hot, we must use this wisely as at this time of year there will not be many, if any, nice days at all.
-If it is to be bad weather we are going to have to make sure we have alternative places to film. For the day's we have planned to film outside, instead of wasting the time, we could postpone filming that and film the stuff we would have planned to film inside on a later date, so no time is lost or wasted.

-Our main set locations are:
The forest, the garden, near a road sign, in the cafe, sitting in flowers/running through the lavender fields and my house.

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