Monday 19 September 2011

Analysis Of A Music Video

Friendly Fires - Kiss Of Life

The very first shot that you see is land/beach scene with a group of people in the background, out of focus, with instruments. In the focus you can see a plant slowly blowing, as the focus changes into the group of people the song starts. You then see a extreme close up of a man's face singing, he has a white background behind him, which makes him stand out more. Throughout the video you can see switching between this beach style scene and his face singing. I chose too analyse this video as it's much like our chosen video (Example Stay Awake) which consists of 'Example' singing in a white studio, telling a story throughout. We really liked this idea so tried too find video's with a similar effect too give us ideas and inspiration. More so throughout the video you see the main singer of 'Friendly Fires' join in the beach scene, dancing and having fun. It's a very simple, yet effective video, with not much going on in the background just a group playing instruments. This helps too make him stand out, and give a clear definition that he is the lead singer. The mise en scene doesn't tell us much in the video, and the story that is portrayed isn't relevent too the song at all. This adds mystery too the video, which we want too use in our music video, making the viewers interested too watch it and think about the story behind it. All of the members in the group playing instruments, are in very beachy, casual clothing - very bright coloured and flowy, whilst he is in black, again making him stand out over them. They are also wearing very authentic, cultural masks, that bring maybe their traditional culture too the song. They talk thoroughly about the 'Sun, sea and sand' throughout, which implis the use of the beach as the setting. When the song starts too slow down, and it's the instrumental you see a long shot of a sunset, which is a contrast too the video as it has been sunny right up too here, you then see a close up of a mask with the person's eyes open, and then the silouette character of the lead singer dancing. Te lyrics are 'Could you wave goodbye too sun, the sea the stars the wave the tide, the wails inside that life has died, but all you need is a kiss of life' This is sung after the sunset, and then goes back too life as if you have the kiss off life there is always light in your life. All of the editing in the video is very simple, and there is no animation or added effects, you just see the establishing shot at the start of the beach, then a jump cut too the extreme close up of the lead singer's face, and then back too the beach scene where the lead singer is.

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